The Farsight Institute offers a variety of courses, and supplies remote viewers with a wide range of follow-up support services for practice and developmental purposes after students leave the Institute. The courses described below are those that are currently being offered at The Farsight Institute. Other courses are also in development stages, however, and The Farsight Institute will describe these new offerings in the near future. Interested individuals are encouraged to contact The Farsight Institute from time to time to inquire about these new courses.
- Farsight Voyager
The introductory course in scientific remote viewing offered at The Farsight Institute is called Farsight Voyager. Farsight Voyager is a seven day course in residence at the Institute's facilities, and it serves as a prerequisite for all other courses offered by The Farsight Institute. The course covers both the protocols of scientific remote viewing as well as monitoring. Students work with each other as well as with the teachers so as to produce the most productive interactive learning environment possible. Students also learn how to access and use the automated support services, such as the target management computer program (for DOS, Windows, and Macintosh operating systems), speakerphones for remotely monitored sessions, and the fax bank and Internet for remotely accessed targeting support.- Farsight Seer
The Farsight Institute also offers a professionalization course called Farsight Seer. This is the follow-up course to Farsight Voyager. Farsight Seer currently involves a minimum of 45 evaluated remote viewing sessions broken down as follows: 20 sessions as a remote viewer while monitored, 20 sessions as a monitor, and 5 sessions solo (i.e., without a monitor). All sessions are evaluated by The Farsight Institute staff. The purpose of the evaluations is not to test, but to enhance the development of trained and accurate remote viewing skills. Costs for this course are minimal since students take this course at their own homes. Monitored sessions are accomplished using speakerphones, while target selection is performed using the automated fax-on-demand support services of the Institute. Evaluations are delivered via telephone, fax, or letter, as situations require. Three-way conference calls involving The Farsight Institute staff, the remote viewer, and the monitor are sometimes offered when necessary or beneficial to the educational and evaluative processes as determined by the Institute.- Farsight Professional Certification
For those who desire professional certification from The Farsight Institute, an evaluation program is offered that involves four monitored (two as viewer and two as monitor) and two solo remote viewing sessions in which tight controls are maintained. Evaluations are made with regard to an individual's expertise in executing and monitoring remote viewing sessions while staying within the strict structure of the Farsight Protocols. Any remote viewers who complete the Farsight Seer professionalization course are eligible candidates for professional certification.- Farsight Teacher
The Farsight Institute offers a teacher training course in scientific remote viewing called Farsight Teacher. This course is open to any remote viewer who has obtained professional certification from The Farsight Institute. Costs for this course are currently very low since The Farsight Institute wishes to encourage the training of as many teachers as possible in the near future.- Farsight Medical
The Farsight Institute will soon offer a new seven day course in the use of scientific remote viewing for medical diagnostic purposes. We expect to offer this course in the early part of 1997. The final stages of the medical protocols for this course are currently being tested under the directorship of a physician and master remote viewer. The orientation of the course is to provide diagnostic assistance to doctors and other health practitioners. Remote viewing data should never be used as the sole basis for the treatment of any disease. However, typical uses of remote viewing in medical settings include cases in which previously employed traditional methods of diagnosis have proved inadequate and the cause of an illness remains a mystery. Health practitioners would then have the benefit of supplemental insights gained from remote viewing data that may guide them by suggesting more specialized diagnostic tests which might otherwise not have been considered. General remote viewing diagnostic procedures (typically employed in primary care settings) as well as specialized procedures (such as ob/gyn) are taught in this course. Farsight Medical is open to doctors, nurses, midwives, chiropractors, and all individuals who have an interest in the use of remote viewing for medical purposes. Students will benefit most from this course if they have made significant progress with Farsight Seer before taking this course, however the completion of Farsight Voyager is the only formal prerequisite.- Farsight Annual Professional Certification Renewal
Some individuals may desire a renewal of their professional certification from The Farsight Institute. While professional certification is a one-time process, it remains current for only one year. After one year, a person having obtained his or her professional certification is considered noncurrent. The annual renewal process brings each professional up-to-date with the latest developments in scientific remote viewing, and consists of approximately one hour of classroom time (done over the phone) and a minimum of three remote viewing sessions. Of the three sessions, one is executed solo, one monitored, and the final session as a monitor. The renewal process also acts as a tune-up, enabling remote viewers to have themselves checked with regard to the proper execution of the protocols.
******* COSTS…
Note: These prices are current prices as of January 1996, and they may change without notice.
Where is Farsight Voyager Taught, and Where Do Students Stay?
The facilities used by The Farsight Institute for teaching are in a hotel conveniently located near downtown Atlanta. Students live for one week in the same hotel in which the classes are held. The cost of the course covers both tuition as well as room and board for the entire week.
The Application Process
It is simple to apply to take Farsight Voyager, the one-week intensive course in scientific remote viewing. You may request a course application by filling out our online form, or you may contact The Farsight Institute by mail, phone, e-mail, or fax, supply your address and we will mail you an application. Read, fill-out, sign and date the application form. Include your course deposit ($500) and mail it to:
The Farsight Institute
P.O. Box 49243
Atlanta, GA 30359
The e-mail address for The Farsight Institute is:
To reserve your place in the course, your deposit must be included with your application. You may pay by check, Mastercard, or Visa. The remainder of the course fee is due in The Farsight Institute's office ten working days (i.e., two weeks) before the course begins. Please be sure to read the refund policy (located on the last page of the application forms). You will be notified by mail (or in some instances by phone) with regard to your acceptance in the course as soon as we have reviewed your application. The review usually takes only a few days. If you have questions regarding the application, you may call us at 404-320-2007, or FAX us at 404-636-5148.
FARSIGHTTM, SCIENTIFIC REMOTE VIEWINGTM, SRVTM and the FARSIGHT PROTOCOLSTM are trademarks of The Farsight Institute, Copyright 1995 by Farsight, Inc.
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